Coaches Ministry focuses on engaging the heart of the coach first.

The 360 Coach Course

The 360 Coach Course may be the most powerful 90 minutes you’ve ever invested into yourself and your relationships. FCA wants to help you get equipped through God’s Word and learn the Bible’s clear direction for your life. 

You’ll get a practical framework that helps you develop a Transformational Purpose Statement, unpacking your WHY and HOW of coaching. You’ll get training on how to access and form a strategy for taking care of your heart, mind and body. Get confidence. Get tools that teach you how to be a great coach. Get encouragement. You CAN reflect Jesus to your players and make a Kingdom impact on their lives. 

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Coaches' Family Camp 2025


When: June

Where: Lake Yale Camp-Leesburg 

Who: Coaches and their families


8 Essentials to Strengthen Your Faith

When you make a decision to follow Jesus, you are beginning the journey of a lifetime—a discipleship journey. This journey is a lifelong pursuit of becoming a fully devoted follower of Christ, or what we call, a disciple.

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"One coach will impact more young people in one year than the average person does in a lifetime.”

Reverend Billy Graham

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