West Volusia Area
LifePoint Deland, @lifepointdeland
Gracelife Church, @gracelife_church
Cornerstone Church, @cornerstonechurchfl
Stetson Baptist Church, @stetsonbaptistchurch
Faith United Church, @myfaithunited.church
Tomoka Christian Deland, @tomokachristian_deland
Central Church, @gocentralchurch
First Assembly Deland,
East Volusia Area
Tomoka Christian Church, @tomokachristian
Atlantic Coast Community Church, @acbeachchurch
First Baptist Church of Daytona Beach, @firstbaptistdaytona
Parkview Baptist Church, @parkview_church
Thrive Community Church, @weare_thrive
Christ Church Port Orange, @christchurchportorange
Christ the King Community Church Port Orange, @ChristtheKingCommunityChurchPortOrange
Providence Church, @ProvidenceChurch
Faith Unite Church, @myfaithunited.church
New Smyrna Beachside Baptist Church, @Beachsidechurch
First Baptist Church of Oak Hill, @firstbaptistchurchoakhill
First Baptist Church of Port Orange,
New Paragraph