Church Partners

West Volusia Area

LifePoint Deland, @lifepointdeland

Gracelife Church, @gracelife_church

Cornerstone Church, @cornerstonechurchfl

Stetson Baptist Church, @stetsonbaptistchurch

Faith United Church,

Tomoka Christian Deland, @tomokachristian_deland

Central Church, @gocentralchurch

First Assembly Deland, @firstassemblydeland

East Volusia Area

Tomoka Christian Church, @tomokachristian

Atlantic Coast Community Church, @acbeachchurch

First Baptist Church of Daytona Beach, @firstbaptistdaytona

Parkview Baptist Church, @parkview_church

Thrive Community Church, @weare_thrive

Christ Church Port Orange, @christchurchportorange

Christ the King Community Church Port Orange, @ChristtheKingCommunityChurchPortOrange 

Providence Church, @ProvidenceChurch

Faith Unite Church,

New Smyrna Beachside Baptist Church, @Beachsidechurch

First Baptist Church of Oak Hill, @firstbaptistchurchoakhill

First Baptist Church of Port Orange, @theportorangechurch

Flagler Area
Calvary Christian Church,  @calvaryfl
Coastal Bible Fellowship, @CoastalBibleFellowship
LifeCoast Church, @lifecoastchurch
Community Baptist Church, @Communitybaptistchurch
First Baptist Church Bunnell, @Firstbaptistbunnell
First Baptist Palm Coast, @Firstbaptistchurchpalmcoast
Palm Coast United Methodist, @palmcoastchurch
Parkview Church, @parkview_church
St. Marks By the Sea Evangelical Lutheran, @St.Marksbytheseapalmcoast
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