Fields of Faith 2019

February 4, 2019
Approximately 315 in attendance, 16 indicated surrendering their life to Jesus. Praise the Lord! A flag football game diverted us from the field to the gym, but since it was super cold outside, we were glad. The evening started out with pizza, donuts and games, followed by worship led by the student worship team from Crossroads Church Port Orange, testimonies from student athletes, a powerful message from Jason Leschitz, Student Pastor at First Baptist Daytona Beach and ending with a prayer circle/rectangle all around the gym. Many schools and churches were represented. To God be the glory! Thank you for your prayers and financial support that enables us to continue to share the gospel and see lives transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.

Local Area FCA Blog

April 5, 2021
Fields of Faith 2021 is one to remember. During a time filled with much uncertainty, two things that remain certain are God, and the access to eternal life that we have through Jesus Christ. Being back on Spruce Creek's football field for the first time since 2018, 300+ were in attendance and 6 students indicated surrendering their life to Jesus. The evening began with games, Chick-fil-A sandwiches and fellowship. After worship, 3 high school students, Maddie Halleran (Spruce Creek HS), Jordan Colubiale (Mainland HS), and Kenya Waltson boldly shared their testimonies. Kelly Barcol, our guest speaker, powerfully shared the gospel and challenged students to be bold in their faith and be witnesses on their school campuses. Thank you to the churches, volunteers and student leaders that worked together to organize this event. Thank you to Spruce Creek HS for allowing FCA to use your facilities. Lastly, thank you for your prayers and financial support that enables us to continue to fulfill the vision of FCA, which is to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes!
June 8, 2020
Pat Williams shared a great message and challenge with us during our 2020 Virtual Night of Champions and the coach, student and volunteer testimonies confirmed how important it is to have FCA on our middle school, high school and college campuses. We appreciate our faithful sponsors and all who donated to make this event a success.
July 22, 2019
28 boys & girls ages 8-14 attended our first Ultimate Sports Camp, July 15-18. Local high school & college coaches led clinics & competition in basketball, soccer, baseball, softball & volleyball. We ended the week with crazy relays, 4-way tug of war, kickball & dodgeball. Each morning started with cheers, chants, songs & a testimony from former high school or college athletes. Each day included huddles (small groups) & a challenge to the kids to Go Big (trust in our big God), Go Bold (live boldly in relationship with Jesus), Go Build (build your life on the Word of God) & Go Beyond (to share the gospel with others & help them grow as a follower of Jesus), all from our theme verses, Matthew 28:18-20. 4 made a profession of faith and 6 re-commitment to follow Jesus. To God be the glory!
April 26, 2019
God brought it all together. So thankful for our sponsors, volunteers, staff and all who attended. With 327 in attendance, The Night of Champions Fundraising and Scholarship Gala was a wonderful event. Leah O'Brien Amico, 3x Sotball Olympic Gold Medalist was our star speaker. With her testimony she captured the audience and showed how Jesus Christ moves in her life. It is encouraging to see how the Lord is working through FCA in our community. We are so blessed to be able to recognize Athletes and Coaches in our area that fulfill our vision of seeing the world transformed by Jesus Christ. We are not able to do any of our mission work without the help of you all and for that we are so grateful. Please like and visit our Facebook page FCAVolusia to view more pictures and stay up to date with us!
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